The univesal language

(Keine Ahnung warum ich nun den Blogeintrag heute auf Englisch verfasste, irgendwie hat das was.)
It's like having two different personalities inside of one ugyl shell. Actually I want to get free, I want to unit them. But I'm still not sure if it's worth it. And I'm wondering if there is one thing that I know for sure. Well, I know that there are too many thoughts I want to get rid of and the big question here is how. I'm still waiting for more signals and I probably won't stop that early with this, because there is not much to lose. This is not supposed to sound like that I don't care at all, it's rather just a reason to keep hoping. Because I do care. More than I prefer. This is all so confusing, sometimes you get affirmed but in the next moment all your hopes and thoughts full of optimism are crawling on the floor, being aware to get reanimated just few moments later. I really speculated on love during the last couple of months and I think I've come to the conclusion that it can be a beautiful and fulfilling thing, it all depends on how you handle it.
„I need it to get better, ‘cause I can’t be out of love”
Anyway...receiving more signals would be kind of vitalizing.
Lautmalereien der letzten Woche: